What is a Variable?

  • A variable is a container or a placeholder for a data value with a specified type.

  • Variables may contain values that can be used in Actions.

  • A variable has a lifetime which is referred to as scope. The scope defines the accessibility of the variable to a specific Container Action, Action box, or all Action boxes.

  • A variable can be defined in shared Variables, an Action box, or a Container Action (where possible). Shared Variables are defined in the โ€œVariablesโ€ tab.

  • Shared Variables scope covers the execution of all Action boxes.

  • The scope of variables defined in an Action box includes all the Actions in the Action box.

  • The scope of the variables defined in the Container Actions includes all contained Actions for duration of the execution of the Container actions.

  • A variable can be Read Only. If specified as "Read Only," it takes the value initialized the first time and cannot be assigned any other value later.

  • A variable can be List type and can contain multiple values of the list type. These values can be accessed by their index number starting from 0 (zero). To define a variable as a list, set the checkbox [X] List as in the image below.

  • Variables with a complex type may require other settings e.g. setting the Sample schema for the Json type.

Sample Schema for JsON:

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