Setting up Microsoft Azure Account
To set up a Microsoft Azure Account, follow the steps below:
Open Azure Portal and Navigate to Azure Active Directory to create a new application.
On the left panel, select App Registration.
The App Registration page displays. To start the registration for Azure AD application, click on [+ New registration].
To register an application, add the following details:
Enter Application name.
Under Supported account types select “Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)’ Selecting this option ensures maximum account support for the user’s application.
Click [Register] to complete the process.
After successful creation, the user is directed to the Overview Window. Under the Essentials section, to create a Client Secret for your application click on ‘Add a certificate or secret’.
To add Client Secret and Expiry, click “New Client Secret”.
Enter the following details under “Add a client secret”:
Enter description.
By default, the option “Recommended 6 months time period” is selected.
Click [Add] to save changes.
The client secret details display. Copy the Client Secret shown under “Value” and secure it to be later used while setting up Connector. Note: Client secret values will become unavailable to be copied except for immediately after creation.
On the left side panel, click on “Expose an API”.
Click on “Set” (after the text ‘Application ID URI’).
After clicking “Set”, a field with an API ID URI displays. To save the API ID URI, click [Save].
Under the “Scopes defined by this API”, click on “+ Add a Scope”.
Define the displayed window “Add a scope” as follows and click on [Add scope].:
Scope name: Files.ReadWrite.All
Who can consent? : Admins and users
Admins consent display name: Files.ReadWrite.All
Admin consent description: Files.ReadWrite.All
State: Enabled
Under the “Authorized client applications”, click on “+ Add a client application”.
Under “Add a client application”, add the Client ID/Application (client) ID and select the application scope below it. To add the application, click [Add the Application].
After this step the Application is configured. Now Navigate to Langstack and Open Connector to set up a new OneDrive Connector.
Last updated