Retrieve Identity Pool Id

The Identity Pool must be created in the AWS console by a root user or a user that has been granted permissions by the root user. To get the Identity Pool Id, follow the steps below:

  • To create a new AWS web services account click here and click on [Create a new AWS account] and complete the steps to create the account.

Note: Some users may not have permissions to access the Cognito console if they are not root users. In this case, please contact the root user for granting access.

  • Go to Amazon Cognito Console and click on [Manage Identity Pools].

  • Click “Create new identity pool”.

  • Ensure to select the correct region.

  • In the Create Identity Pool page, configure the following details:

    1. Enter Identity Pool Name.

    2. Leave option for “Unauthenticated Identities” unchecked.

    3. Leave option for “Authentication flow settings” unchecked.

  • Expand Authentication Providers and select the Amazon tab.

  • Enter Security Profile id.

  • To create an Identity Pool, click [Create Pool].

  • The page displays for identifying IAM roles associated with the identity pool. Click on “View Details” to expand the section.

  • The expanded section displays the role summaries for the following:

    1. IAM Role Name for Authenticated Identities access to Cognito.

    2. IAM Role Name for Unauthenticated Identities access to Cognito.

  • Click [Allow] to create the roles.

  • The “Sample code” page displays. Select the Identity pool ID from the code and secure it for later use. (highlighted red and in quotes).

  • Click “Go to Dashboard” and click “Federated Identities”.

  • The created Identity pools are displayed there.

Last updated