AWS connector

Amazon Web Services S3

Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service is a service offered by AWS (Amazon Web Services) that provides the users object storage to users in the cloud. .

OAuth2.0 Flow

OAuth 2.0 stands for β€œOpen Authorization”. It is an authorization framework that allows an application (or website) to access resources hosted on other web apps on behalf of the user (delegated access). The data or files are accessed using relevant credentials and limits are defined in the scope or permissions. This type of authorization requires the user's consent.

Access Key

Through Access Key settings, a set of keys are required to establish the connection between AWS Resources and Langstack. User consent and scope permissions are not applicable in this case.


The Public connection settings are for buckets that are made public. In this case, credentials are not needed. Users need to provide Bucket details and establish connection.


In order to establish the Connection through the AWS S3 Connector, the user must have the following information for OAuth 2.0 client and Access Key.

OAuth 2.0 client

  1. Setup of a developer console account

  2. Attach relevant policies to the identity pool role

  3. Creation of AWS Account

  4. Creation of an identity pool

  5. Configure Application in AWS

  6. Credentials including:

    1. Client Id

    2. Client Secret

    3. Identity Pool Id

  7. Bucket details including:

    1. Bucket name

    2. Region

  8. Login with Amazon

To establish a connection using OAuth 2.0 client, the following prerequisites must be met:

Access Key

To establish a connection using Access Key, the following prerequisites must be met:

  1. Creation of AWS Account

  2. Credentials including:

    1. Access key id

    2. Secret access key

  3. Bucket details including:

    1. Bucket name

    2. Region


No prerequisites are required for the public connection.

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