Step 1: Create the Activities entity

The first step is to create the entity for storing records.

  • To go to the Entity database, click “Entity database” under the “Database” menu on the left side panel.

  • To create a new entity, click the [+ Entity] button on the displayed page.

  • The New Entity settings page is displayed. To label the entity, enter the Entity name as “UserName_Acc_Activities”.

  • Optionally add a description.

  • The Field tab is preselected with one field created by default.

  • To hold the primary key for this entity, define the field for Activity ID as follows. (This field will be auto-generated and will be displayed in the Entity):

    1. Enter the field name as “Activity_ID”.

    2. Select Data Type as “GUID”.

    3. Select “Primary”.

    4. Select “Auto Generate”.

    5. Select “Display”.

  • To create a new field, click the [+ Field] button.

  • Add eight more fields, ensuring a total of nine (9) fields.

  • To hold the information for the Activity Type, define a field as follows:

    1. Enter the field name as “Activity_Type”. This field indicates the type of activity for the customer.

    2. Select Data Type as “string”.

    3. Select “Display”.

  • To describe the activity for the customer, create a field as follows:

    1. Enter the field name as “Activity_Description”. This field describes the type of activity for the customer.

    2. Select Data Type as “string”.

    3. Select “Display”.

    4. Select the “Default Field”.

  • To store the detail of timing for the activity, define the field as follows:

    1. Enter the field name as “Activity_DateTime”. This field indicates the exact date and time of activity for the customer.

    2. Select Data Type as “DateTime”.

    3. Select “Display”.

  • To store the customer ID detail, define the field as follows:

    1. Enter the field name as “Customer_ID”. This is the customer identification field Customer ID and will be the field for establishing a 1-to-many relation between entities “UserName_Acc_customers” and “UserName_Acc_Activities”.

    2. Select Data Type as “GUID”.

    3. The default value will be displayed.

    4. Select “Display”.

  • To store the value of the activity priority level, define the field as follows:

    1. Enter the field name as “Activity_Priority”.

    2. Select Data Type as “integer”.

    3. The default value is set to “0”.

    4. Select “Display”.

  • To create a field for Assigned To, which contains the details of the resource/team the customer activity is assigned to, define a field as follows:

    1. Enter the field name as “Activity_AssignedTo”.

    2. Select Data Type as “string”.

    3. Enter default value as “Helpdesk Team”.

    4. Select “Display”.

  • To store the details of the resource/team recording or documenting the customer activity, define the field as follows:

    1. Enter the field name as “Activity_CreatedBy”.

    2. Select Data Type as “string”.

    3. Enter default value as “Sales Team”.

    4. Select “Display”.

  • To store the details related to activity status of the customer, define the field as follows:

    1. Enter the field name as “Activity_Status”.

    2. Select Data Type as “string”.

    3. Select “Display”.

  • To save the fields, click the [Save] button.

  • To finish creating the Entity, click the [Close] button.

Last updated