Actions in Langstack applications
Get to know the Actions that can be added and defined in Langstack applications.
Add item to List
Adds a single item to the list variable. The item added must be of the same type as the list
API Respond
Send the API response. Actions defined or placed after this action are not executed.
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, or Modulate arithmetic operations. The remainder of the division is the mod operation.
Condition action
Conditionally executes Actions depending on the result of the criteria which to true or false.
Create Entity record
Creates a new record for the Target Entity and its related entities. If the user wants to add a target entity, go to the [Target Entities] tab and add it before using this action.
Using the secret key provided, decrypts a string that was encrypted by the Encrypt action.
Delete Entity record on match key
Records that match any of the defined match keys are deleted from the Target Entity. Target Entity must be added before this action can be performed.
Delete Entity record on primary key
Deletes a record from the Target Entity that matches the primary key. Prior to performing this action, the Target Entity should be defined.
Display on test console
Displays a text on the Test Console when the user is testing; this action is ignored during normal execution.
A string value is encrypted with the secret key provided.
Entity attribute lookup
Records are searched for the most recent record that matches the selected field value.
Entity attribute lookup list
Looks for records matching the selected field value in Entity records.
Exits and terminates the execution of any further actions.
Exit Validation
Exits the Validation Steps either with true or false triggering the execution of either On Validation step success or On Validation step fail function.
Filter List
This function returns the list of records that match the filter criteria, this action works for entities and all other types of lists.
Find first List item
The first list item that matches the defined criteria is returned. If no match is found, the target variable becomes unset.
Find first List item index
Returns the index of the first time that matches the specified criteria. The target variable is updated with -1 if no match is found.
Get List item
Gets an item from the List based on its index position, the first item in the list at the index 0 (zero)
Group Action
Arrange actions by combining them into a group, so users can group the action to their relative purpose in the logic, this can help improve the readability of logic intended by the user. No tabs available for this Action.
Launch App
Launches the selected ETL pipeline or Process that is set to run immediately and optionally pass a StartupParameters.
Load Entity record
Finds the most recent entity record that matches any of the defined match keys.
Load Entity record list
All entity records that match any of the defined match keys are searched.
Remove List item
Removing an item from a list based on its position index and returning it to a target variable. List entries begin at zero (zero) index. The index value exceeding the list size is ignored, and the target variable is unset.
REST call
REST web calls are performed with the result stored in the JXPHttpRestResponse variable.
Set validation response
Returns the Validation response variable. Actions after this action are not executed. Usually this Action is placed in the On Exit function.
Single operation
Calls the function of a variable.
Split string
This function splits a string into a list based on the delimiter.
String replace
Replaces all occurrences of the string in the source and stores the result in the target.
Traverse Entity
This function executes a paginated traversal of entity records in accordance with the order by, limit, skip and criteria. This action performs actions on each record of an entity. For each item, the local variables of the Traverse entity are reset.
Traverse List
Executes actions on each item in the list. All local variables of the Traverse List are reset for each item.
Trigger Flow
Triggers a flow for a saved Entity record, optionally with an associated value in JSON.
Trigger Flow component Event
Triggers an existing Flow component event for an already saved Entity record, optionally with an associated JSON value. This Action can be used only for Entity records executed by the Flow component. A JXPFlowappActivity must be provided to the action when the Flow component executes the entity records.
Unset value
Clears the variable value and sets it to unset.
Update Entity fields from json
Updates entity fields of a variable of type Entity based on the matching fields in the selected JSON. Entity fields not found in the selected JSON will not be updated unless the Unset fields checkbox is selected. In the event that the matching JSON field type does not match the entity field's type, the entity field will be unset.
Update Entity record on match key
Updates a record in the Target Entity that matches any of the match keys defined. In order to perform this action, the Target Entity must be defined.
Update Entity record on primary key
Updates the Target Entity or related entities based on the primary key. This action should be performed after defining the Target Entity.
Update List Item
This method updates an item by its index position in the list.
Update variable
Updates any field or variable.
The execution will halt in milliseconds from the integer value provided, which should not exceed 360000.
Last updated