Using MS-SQL connector in ETL pipeline

The following examples show how the MSSQL connector can be used:

  1. In example 1, the MSSQL connector is the source, and an entity is a destination.

  2. In example 2, the MSSQL connector is the destination, and an entity is the source.

Prerequisites for the examples

For both the examples below, the following are created:

  1. An Entity with the name TEST_MSSQL_Entity with the following fields:

  • customer_id as integer and is the Primary Key

  • customer_name as string

  • customer_email as string

  • Active_status as boolean

Data has already been added to the entity.

2. MSSQL table with columns to be mapped to the entity:

  • customer_id as integer

  • customer_name as varchar

  • customer_email as varchar

  • Active_status as bit

3. Connection is established through the MSSQL connector. (click here to see steps for setting up the MSSQL connector)

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