Setting up Dropbox Account

  • To set up a Dropbox Account, follow the steps below:

    1. Open the Dropbox Portal. (Ensure you are signed in)

    2. To create a new app, click on [Create apps].

  • The options for creating a new app display.

  • In “Choose an API”, select “Scoped access”.

  • In the type of access, two (2) options display.

    • App folder (access to a specific folder)

    • Full Dropbox (access to the entire dropbox) Select this option to ensure maximum account support for the application.

      1. Enter App Name

      2. Click [Create app].

  • The “Settings” tab is selected by default displaying the App key and App secret.

  • Copy and save the App Key and App secret to be added to the Dropbox connector.

  • To define the settings for permissions, go to the “Permissions” tab. To define read and write permissions, Under “Files and folders” select required options.

  • In this case, select the following:

    • files.metadata.write

    • files.content.write


    • Sharing.write

    • Click [Submit] to save the changes

Last updated