Exercise 1: Skip Customer records
A Data Source contains Customer IDs ranging from 1 to 17 (in odd numbers). The user wants to skip some records from being written to the destination. In this exercise, skip the records with Customer_IDs as 3, 5, and 7.
Read customer information from a CSV source and write to the target entity “(UserName)_Acc_skipCustomers” having the following fields:
Field name: Customer_ID, data type: string
Field name: Join_Date, data type: DateTime
The stored records should have the month updated in the join date as “3”.
Users should be able to skip records based on Customer_ID.
The skipped records detail is updated in another entity.
Read data from source and map source fields to destination.
In the “On Reading record” function, define actions to skip records if they match values in StartupParameters.
In the “On Skipped record” function, define actions to make a list of deleted records.
In the “On Completed” function, define actions to create records from the list containing details of the skipped records in a target entity.
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