Exercise 1: Skip Customer records

A Data Source contains Customer IDs ranging from 1 to 17 (in odd numbers). The user wants to skip some records from being written to the destination. In this exercise, skip the records with Customer_IDs as 3, 5, and 7.


  • Read customer information from a CSV source and write to the target entity “(UserName)_Acc_skipCustomers” having the following fields:

    • Field name: Customer_ID, data type: string

    • Field name: Join_Date, data type: DateTime

  • The stored records should have the month updated in the join date as “3”.

  • Users should be able to skip records based on Customer_ID.

  • The skipped records detail is updated in another entity.


  • Read data from source and map source fields to destination.

  • In the “On Reading record” function, define actions to skip records if they match values in StartupParameters.

  • In the “On Skipped record” function, define actions to make a list of deleted records.

  • In the “On Completed” function, define actions to create records from the list containing details of the skipped records in a target entity.

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