OneDrive connector

Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access management service, which helps your employees sign in and access resources using applications built under AAD.

OAuth2.0 Flow

OAuth 2.0 stands for “Open Authorization”. It is an authorization framework that allows an application (or website) to access resources hosted on other web apps on behalf of the user (delegated access). The data or files are accessed using relevant credentials and limits are defined in the scope or permissions. This type of authorization requires the user's consent.


In order to establish the Connection through the OneDrive Connector, the user must have the following information:

  1. Microsoft Account

  2. Configure Application in Azure Portal (Under Azure AD).


OneDrive Connector is used to establish a connection between applications and OneDrive to access files from OneDrive. By using OneDrive Connector, a user can upload, download and update files to/from OneDrive inside Langstack with a secure mechanism to ensure security.

Last updated